Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Malaysia trip
Whoot~! The Malaysia trip was great! Had lots of fun with all my friends. The bigger part of the reason was because it was with people with the cca. We've been together for 3 years now. We aren't alien to each other and most importantly, we don't stay in cliques. We are a big clique ourselves. We walk together on the streets. We have a gender mixture.
To start off, we assembled in school at around 6. Jiacheng was of course late. He only arrived when we were filling up the white immigration forms. The girls took an average of two cards each. Then, we were still separated guys-girls wise. Jiacheng was punished to carry the first aid box for the whole trip. We boarded the bus and passed the customs at around 7.30am. The second bus was shiok, man. It was a 25+ seater bus that was like grassland express. The tour guide said that we could sleep if we wanted to so even as he was talking, a lot of us fell asleep. The bus was just too comfortable. We arrived at the place for our breakfast. I spotted a 7-eleven and i regret not buying Pringles there because I later found out that the minimart at our hotel sold it at 7.50RM compared to the 2.50RM at that store. Anyway, we ate and continued on the journey. We continued to sleep and someone requested for the tour guide to play DVDs. The guys at the back of the bus, directly behind me and Stella's seats, stayed up to watch the NC-16 movie. Yes, NC-16. We were rudely awakened by the guys' hootings. obviously, the movie had reached its NC-16 part. Anyway, the girls woke up and watched the movie until our next comfort stop. Then we continued with our journey. We arrived at some place where we saw something like an estate of mansions. We ate at the restaurant next to it. The girls sat with the officers and we were very cramped as there was an extra seat which none of the waiters bothered to remove. I refuse to comment on the food. Anyway we went on the journey. I believe the next stop was F.R.I.M. Some forest research thing.
There, we climbed up the forest. It was there that I realised I really needed some exercise. But the others were also perspiring like mad when we finally reached the canopy. I believe it was because of the humid air which was caused by the transpiring plants. We got on the canopy walkway, you can imagine how high we climbed. We had to climb some steps in a 'house' to get to the walkway and gosh, the steps were almost 90 degrees to the ground. It was like a ladder instead of stairs. I got on the walkway with the third group. The first step was bad. We proceeded and reached the first tree which could hole 4 people. We continued to the second one. The path to the second tree was terrifying. I was shaking a lot and I had to walk very slowly. I reached the second tree which could accomodate 8 people. I found that I couldn't face the challenge of walking to the 3rd tree. I walked back and found one of my friends crying. Something came over me and I followed her on the bridge BACK to the 2nd tree. I then made my way back to the forest directly. I didn't stop to chat at the first tree. Anli who was behind me was shaking the walkway and even Xingrong asked him not to shake it. We waited for the rest of the people to get back and we made our way back down. This time, the journey wasn't so tiring but it was scarier. Especially for me because I was wearing track shoes that were slippery. I was lucky because I didn't fall. But one of my friends fell, on flat land. We continued UP another path to the nature trail. We were introduced to many different types of plants. It was a pity we didn't get to see the fungus glow. We went to the 'postcard view' which was magnificent. It was also where the 'tongkat ali plant' was. We took photos there and went down. We arrived at a pond where there lived 5 dragonfish, one of which grew to a great height. I don't remember, but it was definitely huge. We then went to the most relaxing part of FRIM. The slideshow. I brought drinks in which we bought at the souvenir shop. The guy was friendly and we were at the receiving end of a lot of jokes. We did tell him some jokes too. HE asked us waht we should do if we saw a tiger. Someone said spray tiger repellant. Tiger balm came to mind. Pretty funny what happened there. We set off for... dinner!
Dinner: it was better than lunch. We were at sort of a seafood restaurant. Everything was nice. Except the crab and the vegetable which I didn't have the chance to taste because xinxuan and xiuying grabbed everything they could from that plate. Nobody looked interested in the veggies except them anyway. Back to the crab, it wasn't an easy task trying to get the shell cracked. Especially with a hammer which most Singaporeans don't use for this purpose. The best dish was something that looked like chicken and tasted lilke chicken or pork. Yes... The tour guide walked towards us and asked what we thought that was. He then said it was better not to know. Haha... Sunny asked one of the waitresses what it was and she said she didn't know. She then referred us to another more experienced waiteress. She told us it was... a mantis! Wow... What did we swallow down our throats??? But it turns out to be something like a shrimp. Whew~! That was a relief. We got on the bus to the fireflies watch.
The fireflies were flying around the trees making them look like christmas trees. But too bad civilisation has made them decrease in numbers. But never mind, I shall continue. We got our life jackets and found out that they were for children. Yes, children. That's why it was so small! Well we changed to the adult life jackets and walked on the bridge to the sampans. The way down to the sampans was slippery and I almost fell. Yes. We got on the boat and I was forced to sit in the front row AFTER I was about to sit in the second row. I got next to jieheng who was beside ms lim. The trip was quiet and slow. We saw many christmas trees (fireflies on the trees). The trip was long and we weren't supposed to disturb the fireflies. But we also did talk and chatted because it was a long way back to the shore. We then went to the souvenir shop where there was a lot of cats. One was sitting on a car that still had a hot engine. It was right in front of the windscreen. JinXing was playing with it while we entered the shop. I think he was still playing with it when we came out. I wanted to play with it but I didn't want to go find the toilet to wash my hands. But I caught sight of another cat which I had seen before the fireflies. It was a cute siamese! But when I went there, it had crawled away and I saw another one which was black with white patches. It was so friendly that when I called it, it came towards me! Gosh! I couldn't resist touching it. Luckily the toilet was just where the cat was. So I played with it and when me and Ginseng went on the bus, stella didn't allow us to go near her even though I was sitting next to her and ginseng was sitting behind me. We were then finally travelling towards the hotel. Grand Seasons Hotel! It was a long trip. Jerome took out his ipod and blasted music but the music was occasionally cut off because of the lack of battery power. We were singing along to all the songs we knew and there was this song 'Graduation'. It was such a sad song that it somehow changed the mood. But we were still singing to it. We were about to reach the hotel when we found out that the car following us lost its was. We had to go one big round to find them and take them to the hotel. I wonder if it was mr see or mr liu who was driving. We took a group photo and went up to rest. Sort of. Our rooms were on the 29th floor. It was wonderful. Sort of like most of the better hotels I've been in. The first thing I touched inside the hotel was the computer. But it was not functioning. Lucky for me because we found out that it was chargeable. We washed up and went down to the minimart which sold things at astronomical prices. One can of pringles was priced at 7.50RM in contrast to what was sold at 7-eleven. We weren't allowed to go out of the hotel and so we ventured to the snooker room where they still served meals. Us girls couldn't stand the fumes that were coming our of smokers' mouths and decided to leave. We took some photos and went up. We went to Jieheng and Jerome's room and played cards. We even resorted to playing memory game when we got tired of Big2. The room next door was playing UNO and they managed to disturb all of us. They finally decided to sleep and it was more peaceful. It was 2am then. The rest of the party went to me and stella's room to continue playing until 4am. At 4am, there was still anli, xinrong, sunny, wanyi, ken, jerome, stella, me and chenyu.
Anyway, we woke up in the morning (me at 6.30am because I was freezing) at 7am. Well, for the others it was more like 7.20 because they couldn't wake up. Me, I was jumping around not because I was feeling enthusiastic but because I was trying to create some warmth. Chenyu woke up and got back to her designated room. Then Stella and Wanyi woke up. We got ready for breakfast and stella and the others disappeared and I went down with Ginseng and Letts. There was a queue and the first thing I saw that was edible was (yuck!) rice! Gosh! Why would I in the right frame of mind eat rice in a hotel breakfast? But I still took it because the next dish was also from nasi lemak. Then I saw noodles... Very funny joke. I walked to the far end and saw cereal! Yes! I put my plate on our table and went back to get cereal. That was the only thing I could get in my stomach that morning. I left a lot of rice and noodles uneaten even after I drank the guava juice that was supposed to be an appetiser. In the end, I had no choice but to eat cereal, not that it was that bad. I ate 4 bowls and left with a contented stomach. But before we left, the guys did some idiotic things. They challenged each other to finish bowls after bowls of cereal and the loser had to drink an additional bowl of milk (that sometimes had people's finger dipped into it). They ended up eating around 5 bowls of cereal.
We went up and played and packed and went down for our shopping trip. I started out enthusiastic about that but when I went back, I was *angry*. But at least my anger was eased off. I was following Zhixin and Wanyi. Then Xiuying, xinxuan, and chenyu joined us. XX pulled chenyu down and I followed because I didn't want to try out clothes. I was there for shoes. xx complained that she was tired and wanted to go to coffee bean to rest. Me, I wanted to look for the rest of the girls and Chenyu went off in front of me when xx refused to budge. She went so fastt that when I turned to look at what xx was pointing at, she was gone. I couldn't find her and we saw stella and her aunt. xx followed them and I was forced to tag along as I didn't have a means of communication then. We reached the second floor and that was when they decided to go down. I didn't want to leave without chenyu and I stayed behind (partly also because I wanted to catch the rest of the girls). Nobody cared! They just walked on down. They walked a big round before I spotted them and joined them again. They settled at coffee bean and chenyu joined us. We walked back to Times Square and me and chenyu got separated fromm stella, her aunt and xx again. But never mind, me and chenyu went around the shopping centre and enjoyed ourselves more than when we were at sungei wang. Even though we didn't buy anything, window shopping was nice too. We met the others and found that some of the guys bought more things than us (we didn't buy anything anyway).
We went to restaurant where nobody had an appetite at our table. Ken simply didn't eat anything. Interesting fact, Ken and Chenyu look alike. They look like siblings! It was sad that we didn't take any pictures of them together. We also celebrated mrs lee's birthday which was supposed to be the next day. We bought a cake and the teachers bought a watch.
We then went on to a famosa, christ church, st paul's hill and studhuys. It was tiring but not as tiring as the forest trek. After that, we went to Tan Kim Hock local products. We had the durian chendol which had durian that tasted sour. Maybe it was my tastebuds as others didn't look like they were affected. I didn't plan to buy anything there as someone told me that the prices there were astronomical. However, I received a call earlier and my mom asked my what I got her. That made me decide to buy something. I chose durian cake and began to walk around. I saw a lot of stuff that looked good. In the end, I bought back durian cake, sasame [something] (it was real nice), some biscuit with honey peanuts on them(real nice too), and some [don't know what it was called but I later found out that it was sold in Singapore too]. I also bought a packet of popping candy which I ate in the bus. Some were left for the ants. We watched the replay of pirates on the way back. It was the way back to Singapore.
We reached the Malaysia Customs and were informed that it was advisable not to go to the toilet there by the tour guide. Anli couldn't hold and had to go. But in the end, we still made record time and the tour guide told us we broke the record of passing the customs. we cleared it under 1minute. I didn't believe him. I didn't believe anli could come out so quickly. Haha. Anyway, we were caught in a really bad jam that only happens to tour buses. We played a game of UNO and it was amazing that we couldn't finish the game before we reached the customs. We were checked and finally had a chance to go to the toilet. We went back to school and dropped off some people. The bus uncle agreed to drive us to central and that was where we had our dinner cum supper. It was 11pm when we reached. I called my dad and he picked me up at Mac where I was still eating.
~End of Story~
Sunday, August 13, 2006
This monstrosity
This monstrosity we call a teacher is getting on my nerves. I can't seem to shake it off. Once I open my chemistry book, I think of her. When I usually study, I tend to feel very sleepy. Now, when I study chemistry, I just feel restless. I walk out of the room like a zombie and I FEEL like one at that. I went to the kitchen and didn't know why I went there. There wasn't anything for me to eat to de-stress.
It all began last friday. SHE went around taking our wallets because our files were not done properly. Okay... but she severely hurt the pride of one of my friends. What did she do I didn't know exactly. But I did hear something about taking away her rank. Doesn't she know that there is absolutely nothing in relation with your school work and your CCA rank?
After school we went to find her to get our files, to know what was wrong with them. Huishan had her file done and went to her. SHE refused her file and told her to wait for everybody to finish before she could go as she had cut the queue. However, there was no queue. She expected huishan to wait for everybody to finish before going home, before she could even present her file to HER. Then she wanted us to check the files of another class for her. She claimed that we made her do extra work for us, she would have to make us do extra work for her. Seeing the pile of files that was in front of us, I suspect that she didn't even check the files for us. Was marking corrections extra work? Does she even know what was required for teachers? Putting aside the requirements, does she even know what teachers were expected to do? Shouldn't she be taking lessons from our geog teacher? Heck, and I didn't even know she pinned up the content page on the notice board for us to copy. And there she says I give her extra work to do.
Anyway, I finished my share of the files and went to her, politely. Me and another girl went in after her to get our belongings. She got out the box which had scotch tape marks. She said that we should only get our belongings back when everyonoe was done. 'See, once i tear this, the box is spoiled already.' I was thinking, never mind, I could come back later to get my stuff because I was supposed to have NP which was later cancelled. That was lucky because knowing her, she would think of me as a defiant student and would not let me have my belongings until after the last person was done, which was after 7pm. That's what's wrong with her, her pride. In the classroom that day, she scolded a girl for using her phone. She made her cry. Yes, she did that, but she didn't even look a bit sorry for that. That girl was the same girl I went in the staff room with. SHE began lecturing BOTH of us in the staff room about using our phones in class. She opened her eyes as if they could shoot daggers at us. She looked at her, then she looked at me, then she looked at her again. This carried on for quite a while. When we finally got back our belongings, she asked us to show her those were ours. She found out who I was. Then she said slowly, 'Wei Qi ah... Your chemistry is not very good ah...' I looked down. Yes, I looked down. Was I supposed to retaliate that I only didn't do well for chemical calculations and keep my friend back too? That wouldn't be a very nice thing to do. For all I know, she might be in a hurry to get home. So I did what I had to do. Which was not very nice for me but was right.
After that last statement, we went out of the staff room. Someone was still standing there. She stood up to HER just now and was made to stand there non-productively. I forgot what she said but SHE just didn't want to tolerate students who could not stand her methods. It's a two-way thing. She just could not tolerate with the fact that she could be wrong. Take for example all the things that she has done to her students. She reprimanded us for being late. She reprimanded another class for not knowing they had practical that day and for goiong down late at that. Yet another class was punished by her for not bringing their books. She did not give chances. What she claimed was chances was what other teachers consider as necessities when they themselves were at fault. So in other words, her mistakes were our chances. She shows no compassion. When she talks to us, she intimidates us. She makes us feel like we are a bunch of people that are not at her standard. She uses her 'dagger shooting' eyes to her advantage. That is her tool and she doesn't hesitate to operate it 24/7. However, her downfall would be her pride. She doesn't take no for answers. What she does has to be right. She holds to her so-called honour. She doesn't give leeways to students when they do something she doesn't want done. Just because she made a rule on the first lesson, we have to comprehend and abide by it. She doesn't even keep to the rules sometimes. She always says she was held up, but when our teachers release us late for her lesson, she would 'confront' them. She thinks that by standing firmly by her rules, she is full of principle and would be honourable. Well honour is not gained by that. An honourable person is someone who is respected. She doesn't have her students' respect, that I can safely say.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Revamped, Refurbished!
Yes! I neglected my homework to refurbish this. Currently, I still have around 60 questions left for my TYS. This is bad... Seriously bad... Nevertheless, I shall not give up the fight against homework. I even stayed home today instead of accompanying them to the fireworks display, but that was because I was so exhausted that I didn't even feel like waking up to watch TV. And here I am in the wee hours of the morning typing relentlessly. Heck! I just realised I've been listening to the same song for the past half hour! I really wonder how I'm going to memorise facts and songs for common test and the upcoming ATC.
Just recently, a chinese phrase has popped up into my head. San1 fen1 zhong1 re4 du4. This phrase has indeed made me realise just how it is applicable to me. I realised that I haven't been helping out in the ORD proposal after they've cancelled the FDC, although I don't really think that's a factor in this dismissed thought from my head. Then there comes the recently received maths sums. I was really into doing the sums the day before. However, ever since I finished drawing (and re-drawing by accident) the graphs, I don't feel like continuing with it anymore. Maybe I should gone for the fireworks display... Nahhh...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
What now?
Hm. Now what? I've nothing to do. Or rather, I have a pile of work waiting for me but I don't want to get it over and done with. My work has been slacking. I really shouldn't put the word 'procratinator' in my msn nick. It's influencing me even more. That is especially bad with me being in 303. The people in my class are all pros. Thus, being in this class has its cons. What I find disturbing is that most of our teachers haven't 'unleashed their full potential' yet. Our form teacher has made a name of herself not just in our class. People have been complaining that a Bio teacher shouldn't be teaching Physics at the same time. Well, I gotta say I'm lucky she does not have the qualifications to teach us Physics. Otherwise both my Bio and Physics standards will drop like my Bio now. The only subjects I'm willing to think about is my Physics and Social Studies. My primary school teacher will probably kill me if she found out that i barely passed my English common test. Maybe BLim will too. I can't wait till Mrs Sing's maternity leave is up, not that I'm a sadist or anything. It's for the good of everyone in my class. English lessons are no longer an appeal to me. Neither is Maths even though we've got, I consider, the best Maths teacher in my school. Lessons now are a bore. At the beginning of the year, I had changed my view on Chinese. Chinese lessons was interesting then. Now, it's just a period where we sit and the lessons keep transforming themselves. Our trainee teacher is the third teacher who 'scolded' me in my life in this high school. First is my sec 1 form teacher, then it's Surin. After that, it's her. I Do take notes. It's just that my notes need to be reviewed before I fully understand what it means. And the meanings are written in the kind of Chinese that i do NOT understand at all. The way i translate them to english is simply crappy. In the end, I can't re-translate them to chinese. I hate this feeling. I feel inferior.
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