Friday, December 14, 2007


LOL! Blogger made me feel so stupid. Editted some parts of the blog. I clicked the 'save template' button before I previewed it. Panic! It would probably have been nothing because I didn't change the so-called actual HTML part of the 'whole HTML'. And so, I clicked the 'Preview' button to find... the blog totally screwed. Text was all over the place. The spaces allotted for each section wasn't taken into consideration AT ALL. It was just spilling all over the place. Blog on top of introduction, blog posts overflowing to the bottom of the page. TOTAL DISASTER! I was like '(O.o)' and that wasn't a look of surprise. It was one of horror. Utter horror. So I thought Mozilla was playing me again. I went and opened Internet Explorer. SAME PROBLEM! Goodness me! Went to My Computer to try to search for my current blogskin HTML. Clever me didn't save it the last time. And this time, there wasn't any 'Publish' button we needed to click in order for the saved changes to be displayed. Nuh-uh, not like last time. Anyway, I resigned to fate. I went to my blog via Mozilla again. The blogspot address, mind you. And there it is, perfectly in order! Just to make sure that Mozilla wasn't lagging on me again, I switched to IE. And THERE IT IS AGAIN! Hoho. That was stupid. ARGH!

Saturday, August 04, 2007


its a wonder sometimes when your friends dont know what you think about something. i just hide too much i guess. wonder if i'll burst someday. links are made from one person to another. I dont know why. i dont really think anyone will know what i mean and who i mean. everyday i will see that person and that persons friends will just be trying to link that person to another. isnt it normal to talk to a person? so what if the person is of opposite gender? our class is just like that. or rather, our class guys are just like that. youre lucky that you chanced upon this blog. its no big show that i have this blog. its not supposed to be seen by just anybody. but ironically, someone surfing on blogger might see this but a classmate wouldn't be able to do so easily. sometimes i just feel tired of something that i have to post it here. sometimes i have happy news, sometimes i have sad ones. im especially angry at some teacher who spewed nonsense to a classmate's parents. she just exaggerated about what kind of trouble my classmate was in. the problem is, half the school is in that kind of 'trouble'. what with not tucking in their shirts and eating outside of the canteen. eating outside the canteen... if its not allowed, does that mean that we can't consume food outside of school? im not saying that its not partly my friend's fault. but that the teacher doesnt need to exaggerate and blow things out of proportion. i hope my friend's okay. seems fine the next day. i hope thats not only apparent.