I was training at a crowded map (meaning most channels had people there). Mind you, I've been there for around an hour now and my blue pot count has increased by at least 200 by then, from the drops by the monsters. As I'm a Fire, Poison Arch Mage (cue: applause, feelings of disgust, indifference), I have skills such as Big Bang, Paralyze, Teleport Mastery, Explosion, and Poison Mist (among others). As many FP Arch Mages know, at some point in time, we undergo something called poison training (or Misting) that enables us to train at something close to light speed. It is also a dreary routine unless one was training at sharks which could kill your character that much easier. After training for around 40 levels by Misting, the FP Arch Mage is can finally sigh in relief because we now have 4th job skills which make training so much less dull. Now I can train on Dual Ghost Pirates with either Big Bang (fire element) or Paralyze (poison element). A day ago, I realised I could use 1 Big Bang and 1 Tele Mastery to effectively kill off un-poisoned mobs. That's when I started this less dull way of training. And I can finally see monsters die because of my firepower (for lack of a better word), and not because of damage over time from the poison.
Today, it turns out that channel 1 was free (yes, I do check from top to bottom whether anyone was there before I deem it my territory for that session). Hence, I was happily training in this map again (need I remind you, for about an hour now). One of my closer buddies was online and I was having the time of my life chatting with her while taking my time with the mobs, getting an okay amount of exp. And this way of training (Big Bang + Tele Mastery) allowed me to collect most of the drops (Misting is a little too hectic). I guess this made my map a little too clean (sort of like a tidy and un-personalised house, huh). Anyway, as I teleported up the map via the in-map teleporter, I saw a Wild Hunter enter the map. I believe he asked me if I wanted to train together. I said "I don't think this map can".

With that he just started attacking the monsters as if I weren't there. I tried to go on with my relaxed pace, but I'm sorry to say that he did not have the sense to change channel. I had to defend my map, and my pride. Hence I made my way down the map, poisoning every platform. And I found another Wild Hunter further down the map. Now, many of you probably know that it's not easy (to put it lightly) to trump over Poison Mist in a map with more monsters than you can kill with two hits. That particular map easily has nine times as many monsters as you can kill per hit. Mist can concurrently act on all of them at the same time. Back to topic. I knew I had the upper hand in a KS war, that is, if they don't decide to call for back up for a prolonged KS war (I'm not staying in that map for THAT long, my inventory WAS getting full, you know). The exp coming in further testified to the theory).
After a while (I would say it had been 2 to 3 minutes), they got fed up and started scolding me "dog" (what is with that?!), claiming they'd been there first. That there wasn't any Poison animation when they first came in. Smart asses. Was I supposed to see arrows lying around when they're in the map?

In the end I decided that I still wanted to survive in that world. I didn't get my character to level 12x to quit because of (possible) future harassment from their friends or suffer a mass defame. So I decided to be the bigger person and be the gentleman (when I'm obviously a girl), to change to another channel.

However, it is not beneath me to rant about the injustice I'd been through.
Oh I did find another channel that was free (channel 5) afterwards. That is makes this so much more ridiculous because there were other free maps. I got tired of training after around 20min (not to mention the fact that I was pissed off). So I messaged one of them telling them my map was free and they wouldn't even find poison in the map because I don't train with poison, unlike 3rd job Fire Poison Mages =)
I'd think I wouldn't be so bold to make a false claim all over the internet. Especially if it's so easy to just have the admins check back on the server. Everything I said is true to the best of my knowledge. Screenshots were taken of the dialogue (on someone else's channel, channel 2), not the action (I'm not THAT fast).
I'm glad I got this out of my system. Now, maybe I can finally get some sleep!