First, there was fried chicken on the bus. Then, there was ismellsomethingburninganditstanktohighheavensanditwokemeupandican'tthinkofanythingelsetoaddnopejustkiddingicangoonforever.
So apparently the commotion right downstairs at the badminton court at 4am was a fire. I should have known, right? Like, there was smoke coming out. Pffft! We ended up just closing the windows and sleeping. Very civic-minded of us. In my defense, I did try calling the security guards. No one picked up though. Meh. What's gonna happen if it's a real emergency?
But it was an exciting night, albeit a probably poisonous one.
Long day of words and more words tomorrow at work. To be realistic, I won't finish my work this week. Hah.
To be completely random, my boss' water bottle has algae. Yikes!