Thursday, December 30, 2004
well... we... the spongebob group won the best cheer... fine and dandy... the camp was torture... i found out on the first day that it was a training camp... [ohhh... so that's why they call it ATC... 'cause it's Annual Training Camp... i get it...] well... as you can expect... we didn't live in a hotel... night one was in a classroom on the 3rd storey!!! 3RD STOREY!!! and the second night was in the tents in the field... out in the open... so the first day we had our jungle survival which was a bit slack... lunch was bad... we only had instant noodles to eat... darn that... we then got scolded and had around 5 minutes to clean up and bring all the things back to our bunks... then we continued the jungle survival... slack again... after that we had to go to clementi central for some 'treasure hunt' actually not treasure but heck... waht do they call it otherwise? anyway... we only managed to go to 3 places... that's weak... the finding the things in the supermarket was a killer... after that, we did some things...[i forgot] then we had dinner and went for night walk... darn scary... but that was the first part... when the instructors told us ghost stories... and so... we went to the first station... we sat at the table... kaisiang was beside me... he somehow found the station funny that he was laughing... [the person at the first station was yewseng...] so not very scary... haha... ok... so he laugh... then yewseng also laughed at some point of time... then we all laughed at them... ok... he told the storey and some NCO pretending to be a 'head-hunter' came out... we laughed as he was wearing white shoes... dead giveaway... we moverd to the next station and saw the 'headhunter' and kaisiang ran from the last person to the first... and after we finished the 2nd station, sunny 'fell out' from around the corner and kaisiang practically screamed his head off... that was funny... before we continued from the 3rd station, sunny said that he had never gotten that kind of response from anyone from any other group... and that kaisiang, who claimed to be the bravest screamed like a sissy... now that was funny... ok... we were then led around by several NCOs and the nightwalk ended... we had a scolding session from the CIs and HOs... we then had a water parade... had to fill all our bottles to the brim and finish all... luckily i didn't bring my water bottle down... we had to chare the water among ourselves... and i suspect i was the one who drank the most... almost everyone looked for me to drink the water... the junwen kept asking ppl who had trouble drinking water to look for me... darn... ok... we then went up to sleep... then at around 4am+, there was a fire drill... in the end we had to get punished... i didn't know how zhixin could sleep through the fire drill... we got punished because of that... around at least 50 pumpings... we then went up and washed up and went down to have PT before breakfast... well i gained a gastric pain and had to fall out... had stitch too... after we went back, we had to be punished... we had breakfast... measly biscuits... then we had games... captains ball... and woohoo... our group lost 3 matches... in the total of 3 matches... haha... but... those were the best games i have had in years... although we lost... except the match against the NCOs... that was because i didn't get a chance to touch the ball at all then... then we had lunch... then we went up to the 5th level to build our gateways and they had to be high enough for kiathow to go through... well... our gateway was the biggest and tallest... but not tied at the top... it really looked like a goal post... then we played tag... ran around in the hall... then we had drills... or was that before that? anyway... we did some things... [forgot yet again] then we had dinner... finally had rice... along with veggies and a drumstick and a nice fishball and hotdog... finally a decent meal... then we had campfire... we were all very enthusiastic... nice... had our performances... ok... then we went back and had a game with our shoes... haha... weird way of describing... we had to use our shoes to lay our a track for our blindfolded teammate...then after that lame game, we went to sleep... had to wake up at 12.45am for sentry duty... at 1.30am, some senior NCO called us back... he told us to tell our groupmates to go nack to the NP room... we called them back, just as we were setting off to find the other group mates, the sir/S NCO told us to fall in and not look for them... when sunny came back, we got scolded by him... i don't know why he was scolding us when it wasn't our fault... maybe we had a little communication problem or something... anyway... we went back to the tent to sleep... it was pouring for your information, we were sleeping at the side and had to sleep in a situp position, that was tiring... i kept waking up to see if we were ready to wake up... i couldn't take it... that time, i would have rather stayed awake than lay on my back in sit up position and feeling dizzy... the worst part was that it was pouring [not drizzling] for the whole night... when it was finally 4+ we had to wake up, i felt very very hungry... you couldn't blame me... we survived on 3! packet of instant noodles!!! for 10 people!!! and we had to have PT after washup... torture... as usual, i had to fall out and become casualty... i had a muscle ache after doing 50 pumpings, 50 crunches, 25 jumping jacks and 50 burpees... pure torture... we i fell out, i found it hard to breathe... i suspect that i was about to cry at my plight as i felt my throat become sore... anyway.. we waited for them to finish the next 100+ jumping jacks, 15 pumpings [boys knuckles, girls boy's style], 25 crunches and 25 burpees... then they went for the run... torture... they came back and we had to join them... they asked us to spread out and sqeeze... had to run as usual... mam liting asked us [casualties] to go back to the 'resting place'... then they had to carry out stuff and go back to the tentage(?) area... well... we had breakfast... had to scrape the black stuff from the fire from under the messtins(?)... [dad said those things are not good as in poisonous, cannot use for cooking] ok... we then had to clean up the place... we had to clean up the campfire area... real dirty work... after that, we had to get the washed ground sheets and the tent things dry... we 'invented' the flapping method... grabbing hold of the ends or the sheet and flapping it up and down... in the end, everyone copied out method and we got the sheets dry at long last... then we had to grab out bags and report strength for the final event... prize giving... that was the first time i reported strength for the entire camp... and i had to report it to mam yumei... and i had to be the one in front to receive the prize... darn... but it was really fun as no one was really scolded... we cheered for 'xiong', the flag from the nightwalk for the best flag... haha... we practically cheered fro the nightwalk things for almost everything... it was hilarious... everyone was in unison for the first time(?) [maybe] in the camp... haha... then we collect our valuables and interacted with our ICs and that's the end of the camp [finally]...
Friday, December 24, 2004
ok... this is pretty lame... so if you CANNOT take lame stuff... don't read this... i have warned you... ok... why i'm writing this is because i find this thing really funny... and lame... ok... you've been warned again... ok... so... me and ken played like 42 games... i think... or it could be 43... hmmm... whatever... ok... our way of tic tac toe... win means lose... pretty lame... but hey, at least it's not the same moves and counter-moves over and over again... thats pretty interesting... well... at first we were REALLY playing tic-tac-toe lah... but then he let me win until like 4 times then i let him win he doesnt want to win... then it becomes a mutual understanding that the rules were being changed... so on and on we played... trust me... that was better than the first 30+ rounds... then he had to go offline to watch inuyasha... so we played one last round... he said he will make me win... haha... and... well he lost... all due to my superior intellect... haha... and then ya... i have no idea how he can break his arm like that... i mean... he stepped on a soccer ball... said the ball was gay... haha... what a choice of words... my mum must think i'm mad to be laughing in the room... well it WAS funny you know... and he's one of the few guys in NP whom i don't hate... so i guess being a friend with him isn't that bad... although we all say he's a pervert... haha... which boy in 1/11 or the coming 2/11 isn't? haha...
Thursday, December 23, 2004
promotion test
woah... today promotion test... finally? yesterday postpone until today... then yesterday stayed back to look at the sec 2s take their promotion test... pity them... cause yesterday the councillors meeting in the canteen and the teachers keep using the mic then the commander shout cannot hear... then they cannot do the drills together... but they only one tester... today we all 3 testers then all dressed in full u somemore... so formal... then ok lah... WOC not bad... at least they can hear... then the MOI very nervous... drill badge is the worst ah... 3rd class drill badge... they keep giving us marching drills... then we only learnt for around 2 parades only loh... then mam mistook it for right after the exams which is around 6 weeks... thats a huge difference loh... at least 42 days loh... then the march on the spot command i keep wanting to march out... darn... then berhenti i keep doing it wrongly... if i really get the drill badge then i'll be surprised ah... but i welcome the surprise lah... haha... as well as the lance corporal rank... well... if i don't get the lance corporal rank then i don't really think i'll be very happy... no joke about it... i doubt yu hui will pass her MOI though... too soft... and she forgot too many things... too tense or maybe she didn't prepare... oh well... what's done cannot be undone...
Friday, December 17, 2004
waliew pt like crap liddat
hah! today pt like crap (as mentioned above)... that sebastian take us huh! do 3 sets of 20... ya... i thought... hey! not bad! HOWEVER... he chose to take us to a 'higher level'... by having us do the sets without regular resting... like push ups for example... he chose to let us do 20 all at once... and only stop for a while when HE is tired... crap loh... then after sets is crutches or whatever... also like push ups... at least nicholas is better lah... like let us rest at regular intervals... like do 10 then rest then do another 5 then rest then do another 5 which amounts to 20... then he'll let us put our legs down... then rest for like 1 minute... then change to the jumping jacks... not like that sebastian loh... he think he from dance one must convert us to dance is it? then yee wei 'better' ah... he take us for the running run so fast one... want us to get out of breath is it? worse off, he run fast... then stop... then run fast again... then stop... stupid loh... how are we supposed to take running and stopping and beginning to run again? then THEY had to run up, down, around and around and around and around... and i mean that... you ppl should have seen the distance they ran... they like ran the whole school plus like around 10+ rounds around the netball court... i became casualty because of a stitch... sucks man... yeewei ask and i say stitch then he say, 'never do warm up properly lah!' waht the heck man... we didn't even do stretching of the stomach muscles!!! he say never do properly!!! is never do lah! he didn't do warm up is it? think of the only reason other than that its his fault and he say... i doubt he even thought of the fact that we didnt stretch the stomach muscles! crap him lah... hah! the casualties all from sec 1 this time and amounts to 12 casualties!!! all because of the running... heck man!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
birthday presents!!!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Inuyasha movie!!!
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