Inuyasha movie!!!
woah... so i've finally bought the inuyasha 2nd movie... wahaha... i feel like a million dollars!!! it was so cool!!! i mean... oh my... touching... haha... i am so glad that my dad let me buy it... haha... well it HAS been 3 months since i've been longing for it... well... the graphics is better than the tv series which has amazing graphics on its own... so that's not an improvement... it's a miracle that they can improve it... i mean... its already this good and you wont think that it can be improved any more... and then the movie comes and you are shocked to see that the graphics are improved to a level that is better than perfect... just a figure of speech but hey... i think its terrific... and the 4th movie is about to be out... in fact i think its already out in cinemas in japan today... hmmm or is it 28th or 23rd? hmmm... whatever... im content with this... that is... until the 4th movie comes to singapore... that is... haha...
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