Tuesday, October 26, 2004


well, today i invited charmaine, vivian, yan bing and yi ling over for a movie marathon... it went rather well except for the food... pizza was far too much fro us... we did not finish it as you guessed... i have invited them over for the 2nd time this year. i finally have tquite the answer for this. i feel in 'need' of siblings sometimes... it's not like i really wish for siblings as from what i've heard, they can be quite a problem sometimes. however, i feel that sometimes, they can be fun to be with even though they wreck your toys and disrupt peace like you all say. most of the time, i do feel the joy of not having a sibling barging in to your room and bugging you when your doing something important or not so important for that matter. i can do without them as my mum does that --the barging in, not really the bugging-- sometimes. i don't have to share a room with them. i don't have to fight for my parents' whatever. i don't even have to fight to get money in that case! i just open my mouth and ask. if they agree, no one would want something that's the same from the same father and mother (less wastage). if they don't agree, too bad then. to all of you reading out there, i mean no offence towards people who have siblings or don't... please don't take my opinion wrongly... i am here to write about this things as i prefer to think of my blog as a diary where not a lot of closed ones get to see anything while the further ones get to as most of you out there don't know me... neither do i possibly know you... i just like for this chance to tell all of you i would wish for world peace... it's not just meant as a saying because everyone says that, but rather in a more serious way... the world's peace affects everything. world's peace affects the rate of divorce, the birth rate, the death rate. whether enemies are made, whether wars occur. if everyone could just settle their disputes in the more peaceful manner, the world would be a better place. of course then, the lawyers and judges would be out of job. but think of it this way, so what if they were out of job? surely with world peace, people would not be so selfish. people will offer their things to the less fortunate. if everybody were to be friends and there were no enemies between people, there would surely be no war. not only would the stocks rise, the world would also be a richer place. people would be sharing their riches and we will all be able to indulge in luxury together. however, maybe this might be wishing for too much... people might say we have our differences as we are unique. differences means fight. fight means no world peace. however, which one do you think is better? a world with world peace that is luxurious or a world of killing with suffering? make a choice... world peace is better, i tell you.