Monday, December 21, 2009

My 18th!

I've never believed in listing people on my blog to thank them for birthday wishes. It seems quite show-off-y. So i shall not do that (although i'm wildly tempted to list the 45 people here. haha what a show off). The people who smsed me wishing me a happy birthday really touched me. The smses literally came pouring in. And yeah, i got a little teary-eyed. =D Thanks to them, this birthday was very memorable.

Another thing that made this birthday memorable was the FAM outing. And especially the Swenson's desserts buffet. I realised their ice cream wasn't very good. But the variety wasn't bad. And it's a fun activity to do with friends.

Actually nothing much happened on my birthday. Just stayed at home and stoned in front of the computer. 0 played audi with me for a while =D made the otherwise boring day fun.

Another thing that made my day was anli and yiyang's wall post on facebook. I totally laughed at the 2 posts.

Anyway, because of facebook, i've gotten much more birthday blessings. But also because of that, the number of smses may have decreased >< hehe. But it's the thought that counts! =D